Jan 07 2011


Published by at 8:51 pm under A moment in the life of Jennifer Alyse

So, you may have read in one of my past posts that I was rear-ended last month. I have since learned that they are officially not going to fix it because the car isn’t worth what the repairs are going to cost. So, off I went in search of a car. I am very aware of my bad credit right now. I used to have a credit score that could get me into a Porsche, but due to the events surrounding my divorce, it is somewhere closer to a “pinto” score. Tonight was a pride swallowing experience. How many more times can I go through that? As I sat in an auto office that looked like two double-wides pushed together and listened to the manager tell my dad it would be better if he co-signed I couldn’t help but but wonder, “How did I get here?” I was fortunate to have been given an incredible upbringing. I was educated and loved and taught how to take care of myself. This moment was mortifying for me. I sat, staring at my shoes like a little girl. I wanted to jump up and shout, “I’m an adult damnit! I am 34 years old and I pay my bills…ON-TIME!” As we pulled away from the auto dealership I said to my dad, “This experience would have been so much easier if I was just white trash to begin with.” He laughed. I’m glad someone finds it humorous.


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