Dec 28 2018

The Law of Rhythm – Cycles of Life

Published by at 11:18 pm under Thinking Right and Other Universal Truths

I apologize in advance for this topic, but it is extremely relevant to a good chunk of the population. As a girl, there are two times a month that my mind doesn’t work the way it normally does; when I ovulate and when I get my period. Without fail, no matter how good I’ve gotten at keeping my thoughts and my mind in a good, positive place, I will inevitably have a few days where I cannot keep my thoughts up. I don’t rant or become unreasonable; It’s more of a quiet sort of suffering. In fact, no one would notice but me, (or maybe they would and they’re just not telling me) but it feels debilitating when you are working hard to achieve a goal and you know mindset counts. In the past when this has happened, I would beat myself up. I’d consider myself weak and be angry that I couldn’t seem to get past feeling sad. I’d say things to myself like, “Just buck up” or “What is wrong with you? You know better than this!” Things I would never say to another human being, I would yell at myself over something biological that occurs in nature.
During a break, at an event called Genius Boot Camp (where people learn how to apply these laws in life) I finally got up the guts to ask, “What do you do when you just can’t seem to get your mind right because it’s that time of month? How do you get past that cloud of feeling sad or agitated?” It was a good thing I asked because I found out I’m not the only person wondering. The answer? Turns out there is a universal law known as the Law of Rhythm. The Law of Rhythm basically tells us that all things in the world are cyclical (including me). The tide comes in and rolls back out, the seasons come and go, and when things seem difficult and hard this law promises an upturn. I found that just knowing this allowed me to cut myself some slack when I was struggling to keep my mind in the best places. I learned to relax and tell myself, “This is just a time to rely on the Law of Rhythm and know that a better day is on its way.” This realization was huge for me. I no longer felt like I was being weak. I was just a part of the cycles of nature, and that wasn’t just okay…that was a good thing.


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