Dec 28 2018

The Law of Cause and Effect – Take a step toward what you want

Published by at 9:34 pm under Thinking Right and Other Universal Truths

I had hit a wall. Progress was not being made and I was extremely frustrated. I posted on Facebook that I was so close to having the life I wanted and still missing it completely. An old neighbor of mine, replying to my post, dropped a link to a book called THE JACKRABBIT FACTOR. “What on earth is the Jackrabbit Factor,” I wondered. I looked it up. Then I looked up the author. Then I found her on YouTube. Then I signed up for her emails. I listened to and read all her work I could find. There was way more to learn about universal laws then I had ever heard of or been aware of.
I was looking for change and I knew it had to have something to do with the way I was operating in this world. If the only thing I have control over is me, then I had to start there. One late night I was sitting in bed with my laptop when one of her emails came through. “Have you ever considered being personally mentored?” it asked. I thought for a minute, “Not really.” I’m kind of a “figure it out on my own” sort of girl. Plus, I was in no place to spend money on that sort of thing as I was out of work. Suddenly, and with complete surprise for my own actions, I filled out the questionnaire to apply for mentorship. “I mean, why not?” I told myself. I could at least see what they have to say. If I was going to create big changes in my life I had to start thinking differently.
The application said I’d hear from someone in 2 days. Five days later I hadn’t heard back from anyone. I sent an email asking if my application had been received. To my surprise I got a response from the author herself! She asked me some personal questions to see if I was a fit for her mentorship program. Until this point in my life, I’d have given her a well-crafted letter telling her all about me in a way that would make me sound as lovely and put together as possible. Not this time! I wanted and NEEDED change, and that would not come from me doing the same thing I always did. I spilled my guts. All of it. The good, the bad and the ugly. I told her things I’d never shared with anyone. Now, I can’t be sure (you’d have to ask her) but I think my complete honesty may have come as a surprise. It was a surprise to me.
We began corresponding through emails and in a simple twist of fate discovered I had just done some similar work at a studio that she needed done for her books to be published on Audible. While what I’d done for the studio was a little different than what she needed, I also knew if I couldn’t figure it out, I knew folks who could. Long story short, I was looking for the tools I needed to help me create positive change in my life. Leslie Householder had those. She was looking for a way to get her work on audible. I knew how.
None of this would have happened if I hadn’t decided to ask for change. It wouldn’t have happened if I’d listened to the voices in my head telling me, “You don’t have the money…so don’t bother filling out that application for mentorship.” It wouldn’t have happened if I’d sent the usual lovely letter about myself and not the raw version she got. The law of Cause and Effect states, “When you make an effort to take a step towards the life you want, the life you want takes a step toward you.” This experience was proof to me that this statement is truth.


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